Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Claremont Landscape Gardens

On my way home from running a few errands this morning, I stopped to drink my latte at the Claremont Landscape Gardens, a National Trust property about 5 minutes from my house.

I like coming here to sit by the property's beautiful pond and observe the impressive variety of waterfowl that live there. The birds always spot me right away, and start churning their little webbed feet in my direction. It's amusing to see a fleet of them headed right for you, the wakes behind them forming a line of perfect Vs. Here's a trio of red-crested pochards headed my way. They quickly moved on after determining I had nothing to feed them.

It was a wet morning and overcast, but I love how plants look when they are wet. Especially at this time of year, with so many fall colors, the dampness seems to only intensify things.

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